Andrea Braundmeier-Fleming, PhD
SIU School of Medicine (USA)
Dr. Braundmeier-Fleming is an Assistant Professor at SIU School of Medicine in the Department of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
The goal of my research program is to improve current diagnostics and develop effective treatments for reproductive disorders. My research centers on how inflammation, or immune dysregulation, negatively impacts reproductive function.
Currently, we investigate the inflammatory response in endometriosis, preterm birth, ovarian cancer and obesity. Additionally, we investigate the association of inflammation with changes in a patient’s microbiome (collection of microorganisms on tissue surfaces). Utilizing a combination of cutting edge technologies (Next-generation sequencing), immunological assays, clinical features and intensive computational statistical methods (machine-based learning) we can develop a comprehensive biological profile for each patient. Investigating the bio complexity and communication between our immune, microbial and reproductive systems will translate into the development of complementary and alternative therapies for treatment of reproductive disorders.