Our mission is to increase endometriosis awareness, fund landmark research, provide advocacy and support for patients, and educate the public and medical community.
Founders: Padma Lakshmi, Tamer Seckin, MD
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Research Participation Opportunities

Research volunteers are critical to advancing our understanding of endometriosis. Individuals with endometriosis and family members may be eligible to participate in research studies. EndoFound lists current opportunities to participate in studies that we have been informed of. To learn more about how to participate in clinical studies for endometriosis, please read our beginner's guide to participating in endometriosis clinical trials. 

Endo Healthcare Study

Elisa Stragapede - Endo Healthcare Study


  • Explore how healthcare experiences can contribute to pain and psychosocial well-being for people with endometriosis
  • Understand whether empathy from a healthcare provider contributes to these experiences
  • Investigate how traumatic and discriminating healthcare experiences play a role in pain and psychosocial well-being


  • Diagnosed with endometriosis
  • English speaking
  • Over the age of 18 years old
  • Located in Canada, USA, United Kingdom, or Australia

Process: First, you’ll be asked to complete a short screening form to express your interest and assess your eligibility. If eligible, you will be sent a secure link via email to a one-time online questionnaire, taking approximately 45-60 minutes to complete. These links will be embedded with an ID number that will be used to keep your data anonymous. Surveys can be completed on your mobile phone, laptop, or tablet.

Complete our screening form my scanning the QR code in the poster or following this link: 


Please contact our research team at reach.lab@uottawa.ca with any questions or comments!

Endo Couples Study

Elisa Stragapede - Endo Couples Study


  • Better understand the individual experiences for people with endometriosis and their partners, including pain experiences, psychological well-being, quality of life, and caregiver burden
  • Explore the role of endometriosis on relationship satisfaction for both members of the couple
  • Investigate how perceived empathy plays a role in couples’ individual and shared experiences


  • One member in the couple diagnosed with endometriosis
  • English speaking
  • Over the age of 18 years old
  • Located in Canada or the USA

Process: First, you’ll be asked to complete a short screening form to express your interest and assess your and your partner’s eligibility. If eligible, you and your partner will each be sent a secure link via email to a one-time online questionnaire, taking approximately 45-60 minutes to complete. These links will be embedded with an ID number that will be used to keep your data anonymous. Surveys can be completed on your mobile phone, laptop, or tablet.

Complete our screening form my scanning the QR code in the poster or following this link: 


Please contact our research team at reach.lab@uottawa.ca with any questions or comments

The Pure Body Study


Purpose: This study has two main objectives: 1) to investigate endometriosis symptoms and possible associated factors, 2) to explore two different psychological therapy modalities for this specific population. 

Eligibility:  If you are 18 years and older and have been diagnosed with endometriosis, you may be eligible to be part of this study. 

Process: This research will be conducted through two phases. In phase 1, you’ll be asked to fill in a survey. In phase 2, two to four therapy sessions will be offered free of charge, online, one session per week and 20-30 minutes for each session, to 40-80 participants selected at random. 

Participation is completely voluntary for both phases. If at any moment, you decided to stop answering the question or participating in the study, you have all right to cease participation. 

To take part in the study, you may scan the QR Code or click on this link: 


If you have any questions, please contact: research@purebodystudy.com 

Your participation is highly valued and appreciated.

Do you have endometriosis and have experienced pain related to IVF ?

Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland

Researchers from Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland are conducting a study to understand the pain and quality of life impact of IVF in patients with endometriosis. The goal of this study, called FertiPain, is to explore how IVF affects the pain experience, overall well-being, and satisfaction with healthcare providers in individuals with endometriosis. By participating, you will contribute valuable insights that may improve care and support for future patients.

In this brief survey (approximately 5-8 minutes), we will ask questions about your pain experience and related aspects of quality of life during IVF. Your participation is completely anonymous.

Access the survey by scanning the QR code or using the following link: Survey Link

Thank you for your participation !

For more information, please contact : endometriosis@chuv.ch

Harvard University Research

Harvard University Endometriosis Research

Purpose:  Researchers from Harvard University are conducting a study that looks at the impact of minority stressors such as stigma and discrimination on mental health in people with disabilities and chronic conditions. We are looking for participants who are 18+ and identify as having a disability or chronic condition.

If you are interested, the study can be found here: bit.ly/smpdstudy

For more information, please contact: melissashang@college.harvard.edu



The impact of disclosure of female predominant chronic conditions on workplace performance

The purpose of the study is to better understand the impact that disclosure of a chronic, female predominant condition (such as endometriosis, PCOS, uterine fibroids, etc.) has on workplace performance. I

You are invited to voluntarily participate in a research project studying the impact disclosure of female-predominant chronic conditions has on workplace performance.

You will be asked to complete a survey, after which, your results will be compiled as anonymous data. Demographic information will be retained; however, attention will be made that identities remain anonymous. This study will take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Participation will remain anonymous and no identifying data will be collected.

Your participation in this study is invaluable. Implications from this research could provide practical recommendations for fostering positive outcomes and mitigating potential negative consequences for women dealing with female predominant conditions at work.

All answers will be deleted after all data has been collected and three years have passed after any eventual publication. All information will be used for research purposes only. You can withdraw at any time without consequence. 

Please contact apb2021@jagmail.southalabama.edu or the Institutional Review Board at the University of South Alabama at (251) 460-6308 if you have questions about your rights as a research subject.

Thank you for your consideration, please click the survey link below to read and agree to the informed consent and begin the survey.

Link to survey: https://southalabama.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b1RZRnfwzF498mW 

Alana Bell, PhD

University of South Alabama, USA


Ovarian Hormone Suppression & Cognition (OHS) Study

Ovarian Hormone Suppression & Cognition (OHS) Study

Purpose:  The goal of the study is to examine the impact of ovarian hormone suppression treatments on the brain and cognition.  Our participants are typically women with endometriosis and/or PCOS, and are starting medications like Elagolix/Orilissa, Lupron, Letrozole, Oriahnn or Myfembree. Assessments are conducted prior to the start of these medications, and then again, several months into their treatment. The study is funded by the National Institute on Aging.  To be clear, this is NOT a clinical trial.  Rather this is only an observational study that will not interfere in any way with the treatments you are given by your physicians. The study is run jointly by researchers at UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara

Eligibility & Participation Criteria:

  •  Women 19–45 years old who:
  • Are premenopausal
  • Starting medications of hormone suppression (includes Elagolix/Orilissa, Letrozole/Femara, Lupron, Oriahnn, & Myfembree)

Time Commitment for Participant: UC San Diego La Jolla School of Medicine campus or UC Santa Barbara campus

  • Women will be brought in for a study visit before starting hormone therapy and again 1-3 months after beginning treatment.
  • Participation requires 2 visits to either site. We provide free parking, breakfast/lunch at your visit, pay gas mileage for those traveling 15-20 miles or greater one way and provide compensation for completing the study. 

Contact: ohs@health.ucsd.edu 

Principal Investigators:  Matthew S. Panizzon, PhD & Emily G. Jacobs, PhD

Post Date: June 7, 2023


Purpose:  The Heart Endometriosis Research (HERstudy) project is the collaboration of two committed investigators at the Yale School of Medicine and Pennsylvania State University. The goal of the HERstudy is to understand why women with endometriosis are at a greater risk for cardiovascular disease. We examine two interventions: one to target endometriosis symptoms and one to target long-term heart disease risk. Our project has the potential to make an impact by identifying clinically relevant treatment options to decrease the cardiovascular disease burden in women with endometriosis. The specific aims of this study are:

  1. To determine the effects of estrogen suppression on endothelial function in women with endometriosis.
  3. To examine the effects of inflammation on vascular function in women with endometriosis.
  5. To determine the effects of synthetic hormone treatments (selective estrogen receptor modulators) and cholesterol-lowering medications (simvastatins) on endothelial dysfunction in women with endometriosis.

Time Commitment for Participant: 
Yale School of Medicine/John B. Pierce Site:  Participation requires 3 visits to the Pierce laboratory at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, CT.  We provide free parking, pay gas mileage for those traveling 20 miles or greater one way and provide compensation for completing the study. 
Contact: endoresearch@jbpierce.org
Principal Investigator:  Nina Stachenfeld, PhD.

Penn State/Noll Laboratory or Hershey Site: Participation requires 4 visits to the Noll laboratory at Penn State University in State College, PA or at the Clinical Research Center at the Penn State Hershey School of Medicine in Hershey, PA.  We provide free parking, pay gas mileage for those traveling 20 miles or greater one way and provide compensation for completing the study.
Contact: herstudy.endometriosis@gmail.com.
Principal Investigator:  Lacy Alexander, Ph.D.

Click here to sign-up for more information. 

The ROSE Study

Purpose: A team of committed Feinstein Institute researchers and professionals are conducting the Research OutSmarts Endometriosis (ROSE) study. The goal of the ROSE study is to investigate the causes of endometriosis and bring improved diagnostics and treatments for women with endometriosis. More information on the recent work the research team has uncovered can be found here

Time Commitment for Participant: Variable. Approximately 2-4hrs (telephonic screening and online paperwork)

Principal Investigator Contact and Institution: Feinstein Institute for Medical Research 516-562-3636

Citizen Endo

Purpose: The goal of the Citizen Endo project is to bridge the gap between what endometriosis patients actually experience and how doctors characterize the disease. As such, we aim to phenotype endometriosis according to patient's reports of their disease. This will help identify different sub-types of endometriosis. Researchers have already found that there is more than one phenotype of endometriosis by looking at histological samples from excised lesions, but these phenotypes do no correlate with disease stage or symptom severity. Through our app Phendo, a research and self-management smartphone app for endometriosis patients to self-track their symptoms, we collect data on how patients experience the disease day to day. With this data we can begin to identify similar groups of patients based on shared signs and symptoms.  Having this information will ultimately enable better understanding of the disease and identifying more precise treatment and self-management strategies for women with endometriosis. More information can be found here.

Department of Biomedical Informatics
Columbia University Medical Center


Purpose: NextGen Jane is developing a smart tampon that will hopefully be able to diagnose endometriosis from menstrual fluid extracts. Endometriosis is currently diagnosed via diagnostic laparoscopic surgery; adenomyosis, by imaging. NextGen Jane is working on a way to look for molecular signals in the endometrial lining you shed naturally, every month, as an alternative to surgery or imaging for detecting disease. More information can be found here

Contact: research@nextgenjane.com

Clinical Trial on Endometriosis Pain & Cabergoline

Purpose: Dr. Amy DiVasta at the Boston Children’s Hospital is studying the response of ongoing pain after treatment of endometriosis with cabergoline, a medication commonly used for hormonal imbalances in women of reproductive age. The NOTE-2 (Novel Treatments for Endometriosis) Study is a 6-month clinical trial and is currently being offered within the Boston Center for Endometriosis. Learn more about the study here. 

Contact: Dr. Amy DiVasta
617-355-2212 │ bce@childrens.harvard.edu


Clinical Study on Transgender and Nonbinary People’s Experience of Living with Endometriosis

Purpose: there is little research on transgender and nonbinary people’s experience of living with endometriosis, as most studies focus on how the disease affects women. This hermeneutic phenomenological study byresearchers at Stellenbosch University is critical, as it may fill a gap in understanding this disease’s impact on transgender and nonbinary people. Transgender and non-binary indivuals’ stories are missing from mainstream societal narratives, which can make living with the disease even more difficult. Learn more about the study here

Contact: Cheryl Eder at cje@live.co.za


Past Studies

Pelvic Pain Experiences Study

Purpose: The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the experiences of individuals with pelvic pain. A secondary purpose is to evaluate how access to and utilization of healthcare of people with pelvic pain has changed due to COVID-19.

Methods: This online survey study includes a one-time survey of 200 patients with pelvic pain. All potential participants will undergo an initial screening questionnaire following consent to participate in the study. The initial screening will include questions regarding pelvic pain, age, sex/gender, and country of origin. Individuals meeting eligibility criteria will be asked to proceed with the remaining survey questionnaires. The survey should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete.

Eligibility & Participation Criteria: Men and women aged 18 years and older with pelvic pain that has lasted 3 months or longer.

Link to participate: https://redcap.ctsi.ufl.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=FWDNKD8KJN 
Email contact to obtain more information: DN-ASPIRE-Lab@dental.ufl.edu 


Information on EndoFound.org is provided by study sponsors and investigators, and they are responsible for ensuring that the studies follow all applicable laws and regulations. Choosing to participate in a study is an important personal decision. Before you participate in a study, know the risks and potential benefits and discuss all options with your health care provider and other trusted advisors. 

For more information about using the information on EndoFound.org please see Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.


The ROSE Study (Research Outsmarts Endometriosis)

The ROSE Study (Research Outsmarts Endometriosis)

About the Study:  If you’re a woman living with endometriosis, or you suspect you might have it and are scheduled to have surgical treatment, you may be eligible to participate in the ROSE Study. Your immediate family (siblings,…