Camran Nezhat, MD
Camran Nezhat Institute, Center for Special Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery,
Founder of Worldwide EndoMarch, Co-Founder of the American and Global College of Endometriosis Specialists (AGCES)
Palo Alto, CA
Camran Nezhat, MD, FACOG, FACS is heralded as the ‘Father of Modern-day Operative Laparoscopy’. He introduced the technique of operating on the monitor video laparoscopy and proved and published that even the most advanced pathologies can be successfully managed by minimally invasive surgery. Laparoscopic treatment of extensive endometriosis, laparoscopic bowel, bladder, ureter, diaphragm resection and reanastamosis, laparoscopic para aortic node dissection and radical hysterectomy, management of ovarian remnant, laparoscopic assisted myomectomy and laparoscopic sacral colpopexy and also laparoscopic repair of vesico vaginal and recto vaginal fistulas were all among some of the procedures performed for the first time by Dr. Nezhat and his team endoscopically. Dr. Nezhat was one of the first physicians to start teaching robotic surgery in 2003, even before its approval by the FDA. He was one of the first physicians involved in the research and development of the Da Vinci® robot with renowned robotic pioneers Ajit Shah and Phil Green at Stanford Research Institute in the 1990’s. Dr. Nezhat has performed more than 10,000 advanced laparoscopic surgeries, is co-author of six textbooks and hundreds of articles. He has trained thousands of surgeons who have attended his lectures, workshops and courses in endoscopic surgery. Today, his former students are pillars of their own surgical communities across the globe. He is the recipient of numerous awards worldwide and past president of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, associate editor of the Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, editorial advisor to the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology and on the editorial board of the Journal of Fertility and Sterility. Dr. Nezhat is past honorary chair for 2009 of the annual meeting of AAGL. He serves as deputy chief, Department of OB/GYN, Adjunct Clinical Professor of OB/GYN and Surgery at Stanford University, Clinical Professor of OB/GYN at the University of California at San Francisco and Director of the Center for Special Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery in Palo Alto, California.