Our mission is to increase endometriosis awareness, fund landmark research, provide advocacy and support for patients, and educate the public and medical community.
Founders: Padma Lakshmi, Tamer Seckin, MD
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Ceana Nezhat

Ceana Nezhat, MD

Nezhat Medical Center, Atlanta Center for Special Minimally Invasive Surgery and Reproductive Medicine, Atlanta Center for Special Minimally Invasive Surgery & Reproductive Medicine- Fellowship Director
Atlanta, GA

Dr. Ceana Nezhat is an internationally renowned Minimally Invasive Surgeon with expertise in the treatment of multi organ endometriosis and fertility enhancing surgery. He has pioneered many procedures for the advancement of surgery with video laparoscopy and robotic techniques. His practice in Atlanta is devoted to women’s wellness, and in addition to the highest quality of surgical skill, his primary focus is patient care. Dr. Nezhat has served as the Chair of the Department for OBGYN at Northside Hospital, president of AAGL and Society of Reproductive Surgeons. Dr. Nezhat regularly serves as a medical volunteer in under-developed countries and is widely sought after for teaching and lecturing. He is Adjunct Clinical Professor at Emory University and Fellowship Director at Nezhat Medical Center. Dr. Ceana Nezhat has authored and co-authored extensive bibliographies and award winning publications, and has also received numerous awards commending his surgical skills, pioneering techniques, and teaching.

Keynote: Adolescent Endometriosis, a Call to Action on Early Detection - Ceana Nezhat, MD

Keynote: Adolescent Endometriosis, a Call to Action on Early Detection - Ceana Nezhat, MD

International Medical Conference Endometriosis 2025:Endometriosis 2025: Your Mother Should Know, Your Doctor Should Know Better! Keynote: Adolescent Endometriosis, a Call to Action on Early Detection - Ceana Nezhat, MD I have the greatest pleasure…

Dr. Ceana Nezhat, a World Leader in Endometriosis and Minimally Invasive Surgery, to Receive EndoFound’s Harry Reich Award

Dr. Ceana Nezhat, a World Leader in Endometriosis and Minimally Invasive Surgery, to Receive EndoFound’s Harry Reich Award

Dr. Ceana Nezhat, a world-renowned specialist in endometriosis and minimally invasive surgery, will receive the Harry Reich Award at EndoFound’s 16th annual Medical Conference and Patient Day. The conference will be on Friday and Saturday,…

Beyond Molecules and Robotics– the Future Treatment of Endometriosis - Ceana Nezhat, MD

Beyond Molecules and Robotics– the Future Treatment of Endometriosis - Ceana Nezhat, MD

Endometriosis Foundation of AmericaEndometriosis 2013 / Beyond Molecules and Robotics - the Future Treatment of endometriosisCeana Nezhat, MD Thank you very much Mr. Chairman and thank you for all of you for staying here late in the afternoon.…