Jörg Keckstein, MD
PROFESSOR, University Ulm, Germany CHAIR, SIG (Special Interest Group Endometriosis), ESGE AMBASSADOR, WES (World Endometriosis Society)
- Training as gynecologist at the University of Ulm, Germany 1978 to 1984
- Specialist and Consultant, 1984 – 1993, University Ulm, Germany
- Special Obstetrics and Perinatology
- Special operative Gynaecology
- Gyn. Endocrinology und Reproductive Medicine
- Priv.- Doz. 1990, University Ulm, Germany
- Professorship 1997, University Ulm, Germany
- Head of Centre for MIS Munich, 1993-1995
- Head of Dep. GYN and OBS LKH Villach, Austria; 1996-2017
- Head of Endometriosis Centre LKH- Villach and Ord. Dres. Keckstein, Villach, Austria