Our mission is to increase endometriosis awareness, fund landmark research, provide advocacy and support for patients, and educate the public and medical community.
Founders: Padma Lakshmi, Tamer Seckin, MD
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Karstee Davis

Karstee Davis

Karstee Davis was diagnosed with endometriosis 10 years ago, and it changed her whole world. She is passionate about having conversations with women about fertility and all things root chakra!
In her spare time Karstee loves reading, practicing yoga, and visiting coffee shops.

When Endo Strikes, Mental Health Days Are My Savior

When Endo Strikes, Mental Health Days Are My Savior

Endo sisters, I know you know: The self-care struggle is so real when you're working a 9-to-5. I've blown through sick days like super pads on Cycle Day One.It's not exactly a "sick day" in the ways your boss may understand, either. If…

The 5 Things I Learned From Jessica Murnane’s Endo Tool Kit

The 5 Things I Learned From Jessica Murnane’s Endo Tool Kit

You know how it begins: A new year starts and intentions are high—and then your period comes. A menstrual cycle fueled by endo symptoms so woeful that all visions of a new year, new you fly out the window. I greeted 2018 with brutal cramps,…