Sarah Austin
Endometriosis Advocate
Sarah intimately lived the endo story, has suffered, and lost, owns a powerful testimony, and is not unwell with the condition herself. As a result of the journey with her daughter’s diagnoses of adenomyosis and endometriosis; she is committed to advocacy and raising awareness for the correlation between chronic endo pain and mental anguish, particularly in adolescence. You can read her daughter’s story on EndoFound.org: Trinity Lillian Graves. Sarah has run two New York City marathons for TeamEndoStrong and was the top fundraiser both years. Professionally, Sarah successfully co-founded and grew a Southern California mortgage company and a Chicago manufactured food business, in addition to building a property tax appraisal division for a Chicago firm before being recruited to her present role as National Director of sales for a global financial services firm. Sarah serves on the Chicago Board of Directors for IWIRC, International Women’s Insolvency and Restructuring Confederation. Sarah is an affable ambivert, quick to smile, easily finds something to like in any person, and is always on the lookout for a silver lining. In her free time, Sarah enjoys fitness, reading books, spending time with her daughters and friends.