To help fulfill our mission of educating the medical community, Endofound offered scholarships for medical students to attend this year’s sixth annual Medical Conference. Hailing from five different medical schools, these students represent the future of gynecological care. Endofound is proud to be a part of shaping their education, and look forward to hosting next year’s scholarship recipients!
Here’s what they had to say.
“I had such a wonderful experience at the conference. It was intriguing to listen about lecture topics from experts in the field. There was a diverse group of physicians there with different practices and opinions which opened up a lot of room for discussion. I specifically enjoyed the portion of the conference about the most current initiatives to teach endometriosis in schools. Attending this conference makes me excited to eventually be a physician working to improve women's health.”
-Vivian Yu, Georgetown University School of Medicine
Class of 2017
"Endofound conference provided a great opportunity to gain an interdisciplinary perspective of endometriosis. The clinicians and academic researchers engaged in discourse that ultimately focused on improving the quality of their patients’ lives."
-Jacqueline Lee, Georgetown University School of Medicine
Class of 2018
“It was such an honor to attend the Endofound annual conference! The intimate setting gave me the opportunity to not only hear talks from experts in the field but to interact with them personally, and empowered me to be a better patient advocate. I hope future students will have the opportunity to learn about an issue that is too-often forgotten in our curriculums, but so integral to women's health. Thank you Endofound for the experience, and I hope to continue to attend as a resident and physician!”
-Claire Sokas, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
Class of 2016
“The Endometriosis Foundation of America's "Ending Endometriosis Starts at the Beginning" Conference was an exciting new look at a pathology that is largely overlooked, and whose long- and short-term effects are grossly underestimated in the field of gynecology. The conference gave an in-depth review not only of the cutting edge research and technology that the field has to offer, but also addressed the issues concerning quality of life of sufferers of this disease.”
-Versha Patel, Georgetown University School of Medicine
Class of 2016