Endofound Video Gallery > Global Patient Symposium 2023

Sat 18 - Opening Remarks - Tamer Seckin, MD
Opening Remarks - Tracey Haas, DO
What's New in Endometriosis?: Emerging Facts & Unchanging Truths - Tamer Seckin, MD
General Session II - Types of Endometriosis Based on Multi-Organ Involvement
General Session III - Legal & HR Protections for those with Endometriosis
Managing the Social and Emotional Impacts of Endometriosis - Corinne Foxx
Emotional Impacts of Endometriosis - Sydney Faith Rose, LMSW, CHHC, ERYT
Rachel Gross, Award-Winning Science Journalist and author of Vagina Obscura
Egg Freezing & Endometriosis - Tomer Singer, MD
The Healing Power of Routine - Daphne Javitch
General Session VII: Pain Management with Alternative Interventions
Endometriosis on Sexuality and Intimacy for Couples - Sari Cooper LCSW, CSTS, CST
Final Discussion & Closing Remarks - Sam Stockton
Sunday 19 - Opening Remarks - Lexie Stevenson
General Session IX: Recap of Endo 101 + Q&A
How to Advocate for Yourself - Melissa Boudreau
Surgery for Endometriosis - Options & Opinions - Amanda Chu, MD
Training the Next Generation of Endometriosis Physicians - Michael Lewis, MD
The Science of Food & Inflammation - Semir Beyaz PhD
Patient Journey - Judy Joo
Hormonal Management, Non-Surgical & Pharmaceutical Approaches - Drorit Or, MD
Q&A with the Egg Whisperer - Aimee Eyzzavadeh, MD
New Developments in Fertility - Janelle Luk, MD FACOG
Making the Decision: Hysterectomy - Panel Discussion
Hormonal Balancing, Inflammation, & the Endo Belly
Creating a Visual Journal: Art, Pain Management, and Catharsis - Deirdre Whiston
Closing Remarks - For Patient Day 2023