RESOLVE, The National Infertility Association estimates that about 40% of patients with endometriosis will experience infertility. The combination of both endometriosis and infertility can be extremely overwhelming and devastating for patients. It can leave many patients feeling powerless.
On May 18th, men and women who have been impacted by infertility, some who also struggle with endometriosis, are headed to Washington D.C. to advocate with RESOLVE. While there, they will speak with Congressional representatives about important issues to help benefit patients. This experiencing can be incredibly empowering.
During RESOLVE Advocacy Day, advocates will have appointments with their representatives to speak about three key issues that have a profound impact on the infertility community.
- Continuous Fertility Coverage for Veterans
RESOLVE advocates have fought in the past to make sure that Veterans, who have had their fertility impaired during their time of service, are covered for needed fertility treatments currently not covered under their insurance. RESOLVE states, “the Veterans Administration can offer IVF for wounded Vets in FY 2017 and FY 2018, but it did not lift the ban permanently. We will ask Congress to make #IVF4Vets permanent through passage of the Women Veterans and Families Health Services Act. On Advocacy Day, advocates will be asking their Senators to co-sponsor S 700 and their Representative to co-sponsor HR 1681.” - Proposed Personhood Bills & Their Impact on Fertility Treatments
While Personhood Bills can often be found in the state legislature, personhood bills have recently been proposed in the House and the Senate. If passed, Personhood bills can impact endometriosis patients trying to build their family through IVF. RESOLVE states, “Personhood is declaring a fertilized egg a “person” with all the rights and responsibilities afforded a living human being. If enacted, a Personhood law would force changes in the practice of reproductive medicine and make practicing medicine to the standard of care needed very difficult. Doctors may be unable to freeze embryos, or test embryos before transferring them. We will ask Congress to oppose H.R. 586, H.R. 681, and S 231.” - Adoption Tax Credits for Families
Adoption is a family building option that many patients with endometriosis and adenomyosis choose. When RESOLVE advocates head to D.C., they will be the largest pro-adoption advocacy group this year in the Congressional Halls. RESOLVE explains, “Since 1997 the Adoption Tax Credit has been an important policy allowing thousands of families to adopt a child or children. Congress has made tax reform a high priority and the Adoption Tax Credit is in jeopardy. Our voices and advocacy are critical as we need to educate our legislators on why keeping this credit is pro-family.”
There are many ways to support infertility advocacy whether it’s heading to Advocacy Day, writing a letter of support to your Congressional Member about these issues or supporting RESOLVE’s national advocacy efforts. But more importantly, for those who are struggling with infertility at this moment, know that you are not alone and on May 18th, there will be many advocates sharing similar stories to government leaders to try and create positive change for patients.