Our mission is to increase endometriosis awareness, fund landmark research, provide advocacy and support for patients, and educate the public and medical community.
Founders: Padma Lakshmi, Tamer Seckin, MD
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The Blossom

EndoFound's online magazine.

Stronger Than My Struggle: My Battle with Hormones and Beyond

Stronger Than My Struggle: My Battle with Hormones and Beyond

Things were different now. I had been removed from my own cave and shown the light- how could I be expected to return to the darkness? My experience with Lupron had opened my eyes. I wasn’t just crazy…

What Brings You Comfort and Joy During the Holiday Season?

What Brings You Comfort and Joy During the Holiday Season?

“Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, oh tidings of comfort and joy...” We asked women around the country what brings them comfort and joy this time of year, especially when they are battling…

Holiday Recipe from Jessica Murnane's One Part Plant

Holiday Recipe from Jessica Murnane's One Part Plant

When you have endo, inflammatory foods are oftentimes not our friends. And during the holidays, there can be a lot of inflammatory foods. But it's all about finding balance during the holidays. So, I…

Mindfulness: Manage your Endometriosis Symptoms

Mindfulness: Manage your Endometriosis Symptoms

Learning to be more mindful is similar to learning a new language or how to drive – it takes time and commitment but it can add so much to your life. We all lead such busy lives but I strongly believe…

Quick Tips: Yoga Pose for Endometriosis Pain

Quick Tips: Yoga Pose for Endometriosis Pain

Did you know some women practice yoga to relieve pelvic pain? Give this pose a try!

Endo Warrior One: An EndoFound Fundraiser

Endo Warrior One: An EndoFound Fundraiser

Endofound held its first yoga event on Sunday, October 8th at Reflections Yoga Studio.

A Father’s Perspective on Endometriosis

A Father’s Perspective on Endometriosis

The word endometriosis had never been a part of my vocabulary; I had never heard of it as a diagnosis nor as a possible affliction neither within my own family nor in the course of normal conversation.…

Medical Experts Ponder Link Between Endometriosis, Ovarian and Breast Cancers at EndoFound Conference

Medical Experts Ponder Link Between Endometriosis, Ovarian and Breast Cancers at EndoFound Conference

NEW YORK CITY - On October 28, endometriosis specialist and surgeon Dr. Tamer Seckin gathered 19 doctors, medical experts and researchers in a conference room at Lotte New York Palace Hotel to discuss…

Experiencing These Symptoms of Endometriosis? Here's How to Tell

Experiencing These Symptoms of Endometriosis? Here's How to Tell

Endometriosis is caused when the endometrium, the lining of the uterus, implants in areas outside of the womb. As the woman's hormones fluctuate, and as she menstruates, the implants have no way to exit…

 Cantor Fitzgerald Day 2017

Cantor Fitzgerald Day 2017

Each year on September 11th Cantor Fitzgerald, along with its affiliate BGC Partners, Inc. and the Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund donate 100 percent of their global revenues to dozens of charities around…

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