The Endometriosis Foundation of America presents at the NYC Office of School Health High School Program Professional Development Day
Monday, January 28, 2013-New York, NY
Bureau of Labs AuditoriumThe Endometriosis Foundation of America presented at the NYC Office of School Health High School Program Professional Development Day for New York City high school nurses. Endofound co-founder Padma Lakshmi delivered welcome remarks and introduced Tracy Shaltis, RN who presented a background on endometriosis and a section that featured Endofound’s recently launched Assessment Guide/Tool Kit. Dr. Tamer Seckin, co-founder, finished the session with a brief Q &A. This was a great opportunity to reach a wider audience with Endofound resources and hopefully for more young women with symptoms to achieve an earlier diagnosis.
In attendance were:
• 100 Office of School Health Nurses – who work in high schools without a School Based Health Clinic
• 20 Physicians from the Office of School Health – both field physicians and supervising MD’s
• 5 Public Health Advisors who assist in the high school program
• 20 attendants from the Montefiore School Based Health Center Program consisting of both nurses and nurse practitioners
• Guests from the DOE, DOHMH, CDC, NASN, NASBHC’s