“Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, oh tidings of comfort and joy...”
We asked women around the country what brings them comfort and joy this time of year, especially when they are battling endometriosis symptoms and need to stay at home. These are their responses and recommendations!
Mandy G., Magnolia, AR
“I’ve been crocheting scarf after scarf this holiday season. It’s calming and allows me to feel useful when walking/cleaning etc isn’t a good option. Irritates my diaphragmatic endo if I slump over while working, but in a good chair it’s really relaxing.”
Meagan I., Virginia
“Watching television and movies helps distract me on a day when I have a lot of pain”
Andrea P., Columbus, OH
“It can be hard to find the holiday spirit while stuck at home during flares. One of my favorite things to do is to crochet gifts for my family while watching cheeseball holiday films. You know, the kind with a sappy ending! It's hard to feel depressed when you're making something for someone you love! For an extra dose of holiday cheer, try some hot cocoa and "White Christmas,” Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney will have you feeling tip top in no time!”
Leslie H., Hull, MA
“Baking is my main source of comfort and joy! I love to bake (hence my blog, Stress Baking!) because it allows me to channel my discomfort and anxiety into food that I can share with others. So not only does it bring me joy, but I can share that joy with others!”
Cassi V., Georgia
“Family and friends make me feel loved and supported.”
Jenn C., Mesa, Arizona
“Reading Stephen King by the Christmas tree! I get to escape to another world and forget that I live in constant pain. Suggestions: add some hot cocoa with a shot of butterscotch schnapps for a truly delightful treat.”
Goncagul A., New York, NY
“At home I will put on essential oils, such as lavender oil, and massage my abdomen area to relax my muscles.”
Mint tea: Just hot water and mint leaves. Good option for those who want something caffeine free, warming, and refreshing.
Festive socks! Board games! Relaxing bath with Epsom salts!