Our mission is to increase endometriosis awareness, fund landmark research, provide advocacy and support for patients, and educate the public and medical community.
Founders: Padma Lakshmi, Tamer Seckin, MD
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Harry Reich

Harry Reich, MD

Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor to EndoFound
Dallas, PA

Harry Reich, MD, FACOG, FRCOG, FACS is known worldwide as a pioneer in the field of laparoscopic surgery having performed many firsts, including the first laparoscopic hysterectomy, the first pelvic lymphadenectomy for cancer, and the first excision of cul-de-sac endometriosis that included rectal resection. Dr. Reich has performed more than 4,000 gynecologic laparoscopy procedures and is internationally renowned for developing advanced laparoscopic techniques and for his many publications, presentations, textbooks and chapters, lectures and research. He is the co-editor of the Textbook of Laparoscopy, 3rd Edition, published in 1998.

What is Ahead of Us for Surgery? - Harry Reich, MD

What is Ahead of Us for Surgery? - Harry Reich, MD

International Medical Conference Endometriosis 2025:Endometriosis 2025: Your Mother Should Know, Your Doctor Should Know Better! What is Ahead of Us for Surgery? - Harry Reich, MD He's played a crucial role in advancing surgical techniques…

EndoFound to Present the Dr. Harry Reich Award to University of Milan Professor and Endometriosis Specialist Dr. Paolo Vercellini

EndoFound to Present the Dr. Harry Reich Award to University of Milan Professor and Endometriosis Specialist Dr. Paolo Vercellini

Paolo Vercellini, MD, a professor at the University of Milan and gynecologist specializing in endometriosis and adenomyosis management, will receive the Harry Reich Award at EndoFound’s 16th annual Medical Conference and Patient Day.…

Dr. Ceana Nezhat, a World Leader in Endometriosis and Minimally Invasive Surgery, to Receive EndoFound’s Harry Reich Award

Dr. Ceana Nezhat, a World Leader in Endometriosis and Minimally Invasive Surgery, to Receive EndoFound’s Harry Reich Award

Dr. Ceana Nezhat, a world-renowned specialist in endometriosis and minimally invasive surgery, will receive the Harry Reich Award at EndoFound’s 16th annual Medical Conference and Patient Day. The conference will be on Friday and Saturday,…

Revolutionizing Gynecologic Surgery Globally: Dr. Harry Reich

Revolutionizing Gynecologic Surgery Globally: Dr. Harry Reich

Source: SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL Volume 44 Download PDF Dr. Harry Reich, a globally renowned pioneer in gynecologic surgery, serves as Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor to The Endometriosis Foundation…

Distinguished Gynecologist Who Founded Europe’s First Menopause Clinic Honored with Harry Reich Award

Distinguished Gynecologist Who Founded Europe’s First Menopause Clinic Honored with Harry Reich Award

Dr. Philippe Koninckx has received several awards in an illustrious medical career spanning nearly 50 years, including the American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s Distinguished Surgeon Award for endoscopic surgery and endometriosis…

Endometriosis Expert and Former Head of Austrian Endometriosis Center Receives Harry Reich Award

Endometriosis Expert and Former Head of Austrian Endometriosis Center Receives Harry Reich Award

Dr. Jörg Keckstein’s career in gynecology stretches into six decades, and over the last 40 years, he’s become a premier worldwide endometriosis specialist. At EndoFound’s Blossom Ball on May 3 in New York City, he was…

Laparoscopic Bowel Surgery - Harry Reich, MD

Laparoscopic Bowel Surgery - Harry Reich, MD

International Medical Conference Endometriosis 2024:Elevating Sampson’s Century Legacy viaDeep Dive with AI For the benefit of Endometriosis Foundation of America (EndoFound) May 2-3, 2024 - JAY CENTER (Paris Room) - NYC Good. Okay. I…

Dr. Harry Reich Unveils Endometriosis Management Insights in the Latest EndoTV Episode

Dr. Harry Reich Unveils Endometriosis Management Insights in the Latest EndoTV Episode

In a recent EndoTV interview, Dr. Harry Reich, a pioneer in endometriosis surgery, shared profound insights into his groundbreaking work and perspectives on managing this complex disease.  Laparoscopic Hysterectomies: A Game-Changer Dr.…

Drug Developer to Receive EndoFound’s Harry Reich Award

Drug Developer to Receive EndoFound’s Harry Reich Award

Stephen Palmer, Ph.D., who has dedicated more than 30 years to drug discovery and development, has been named one of EndoFound’s Harry Reich Award recipients. Palmer is an associate professor at Baylor College of Medicine and the chief…

Belgian Surgeon to Receive EndoFound’s Harry Reich Award

Belgian Surgeon to Receive EndoFound’s Harry Reich Award

Dr. Jacques Donnez, a highly decorated surgeon from Belgium, will receive EndoFound’s Harry Reich Award this weekend for his lifelong contributions to the healthcare of women with endometriosis. The foundation will present the award to…

"In my life I've seen them all" - Harry Reich, MD

Virtual Medical Conference 2020:REOPERATIVE ENDOMETRIOSIS In my life i have seen them all - Harry Reich, MD

Ask Harry: What TV Doctors got all Wrong About Endometriosis

Ask Harry: What TV Doctors got all Wrong About Endometriosis

credit: abc.go.com Do you have a burning question for EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor, Dr. Harry Reich? E-mail him at harry@endofound.org or visit EndoFound’s official Instagram, Facebook…

Ask Harry: IBS Is a 'Wastebasket Diagnosis'

Ask Harry: IBS Is a 'Wastebasket Diagnosis'

Do you have a burning question for EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor, Dr. Harry Reich? E-mail him at harry@endofound.org or visit EndoFound’s official…

Ask Harry: Top Ten Signs you Need a new Endometriosis Specialist

Ask Harry: Top Ten Signs you Need a new Endometriosis Specialist

Do you have a burning question for EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor, Dr. Harry Reich? E-mail him at harry@endofound.org or visit EndoFound’s official…

Ask Harry: The Case for One Endometriosis Surgery in a Lifetime

Ask Harry: The Case for One Endometriosis Surgery in a Lifetime

Do you have a burning question for EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor, Dr.Harry Reich? E-mail him at harry@endofound.org or visit EndoFound’s official…

Ask Harry: Surgeons Need to be Careful in Removing Endometriomas

Ask Harry: Surgeons Need to be Careful in Removing Endometriomas

Above, Dr. Harry Reich (center), performs a laparoscopic excision surgery as his surgical team looks on.  Do you have a burning question for EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor,…

Ask Harry: The Pros and Cons of CO2 Laser for Endometriosis Surgery

Ask Harry: The Pros and Cons of CO2 Laser for Endometriosis Surgery

Do you have a burning question for EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor, Dr. Harry Reich? E-mail him at harry@endofound.org or visit EndoFound’s official…

Ask Harry: Orilissa's $10K Price Tag, and How Many Endometriosis Surgeries Should I Have?

Ask Harry: Orilissa's $10K Price Tag, and How Many Endometriosis Surgeries Should I Have?

Above, Dr. Harry Reich (center) and wife Elizabeth (far right) pose with colleague Dr. Sarah L. Berga at a recent EndoFound event. Do you have a burning question for EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director…

Ask Harry: Don't Blame Your Endometriosis Pain on Adhesions

Ask Harry: Don't Blame Your Endometriosis Pain on Adhesions

Do you have a burning question for EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor, Dr. Harry Reich? E-mail him at harry@endofound.org or visit EndoFound’s official Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, tag us…

Ask Harry: Endometriosis is Present at Birth

Ask Harry: Endometriosis is Present at Birth

Do you have a burning question for EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor, Dr.Harry Reich? E-mail him at harry@endofound.org or visit EndoFound’s official…

Ask Harry: I'm Not a Fan of Robotic Surgery for Endometriosis

Ask Harry: I'm Not a Fan of Robotic Surgery for Endometriosis

Do you have a burning question for EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor, Dr. Harry Reich? E-mail him at harry@endofound.org or visit EndoFound’s official…

Ask Harry: How Do I Find The Right Endometriosis Doctor

Ask Harry: How Do I Find The Right Endometriosis Doctor

Dr. Harry Reich (above) poses outside of an ancient hospital during a visit to Guadalajara. Do you have a burning question for EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor, Dr. Harry Reich? E-mail him at harry@endofound.org…

Ask Harry: Endometriosis Treatment in America <br> Is So Very 'Third-World'

Ask Harry: Endometriosis Treatment in America
Is So Very 'Third-World'

Do you have a burning question for EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor, Dr. Harry Reich? E-mail him at harry@endofound.org or visit EndoFound’s official…

Ask Harry: Endometriosis Is Overdiagnosed

Ask Harry: Endometriosis Is Overdiagnosed

Do you have a burning question for EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor, Dr. Harry Reich? E-mail him at harry@endofound.org or visit EndoFound’s official…

Ask Harry: Help! I Have Endometriosis Pain <br> After Surgical Menopause

Ask Harry: Help! I Have Endometriosis Pain
After Surgical Menopause

Introducing our brand-new advice columnist Dr. Harry Reich. If the name sounds familiar, it should; he’s EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor. During his 30-year career…

Medical Conference - Harry Reich

Medical Conference - Harry Reich

Endometriosis Foundation America:   Medical Conference – 2010I have the privilege of introducing Dr. Harry Reich, who is well known to anyone who has studied endometriosis or has been involved in laparoscopic surgery. He is…


Introducing "Ask Harry"

Introducing our brand-new advice columnist Dr. Harry Reich. If the name sounds familiar, it should; he’s EndoFound’s Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor. During his 30-year career…

Here's What You Need to Know About <br> the #WeMatterACOG Protest <br/>

Here's What You Need to Know About
the #WeMatterACOG Protest

Credit: EndoWhat? Update, at 3:05 p.m. EST: After publication, ACOG CEO and Executive Vice President Hal Lawrence, MD issued a statement to The Blossom through a spokeswoman:  “ACOG is aware of the sensitivities and concerns…

Patient Awareness Day 2018: Harry Reich, M.D.

Patient Awareness Day 2018: Harry Reich, M.D.

PATIENT AWARENESS DAY 2018:  LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE WITH ENDO Sunday, March 18, 2018, (8am-5pm) Einhorn Auditorium (131 E76th st)  at Lenox Hill Hospital, NYC Why and how can ACOG help? From a Historical Perspective to the Future…

Endometriosis By The Numbers: <br />Why Awareness and Funding is So Vital

Endometriosis By The Numbers:
Why Awareness and Funding is So Vital

What do you get when you pair a disease of epidemic proportions like endometriosis with a severe lack of insurance coverage? A very clear picture of how women are hurting and how the socio-political and economic gaps in healthcare aren’t…

Endometriosis: hormonal or surgical? My reality! - Harry Reich, MD, FACOG, FACS

Endometriosis: hormonal or surgical? My reality! - Harry Reich, MD, FACOG, FACS

Endofound Medical Conference 2017 "Breast, Ovary and Endometriosis"October 28, 2017 - Lotte New York Palace Hotel Endometriosis: hormonal or surgical? My reality! Harry Reich, MD, FACOG, FACS Thank you very much for that introduction and I've…

Harry Reich, MD - Endometriosis: The cure and why we are not there yet

Harry Reich, MD - Endometriosis: The cure and why we are not there yet

Harry Reich, MD - Endometriosis: The cure and why we are not there yet Scientific SymposiumAdvancing the Science and Surgery of Endometriosis Monday and Tuesday, April 19, 2016The Union Club, New York I tell you I love New York. We went to…

Harry Reich, MD - Vaginal excision of endometriosis

Harry Reich, MD - Vaginal excision of endometriosis

Harry Reich, MD Vaginal excision of endometriosis Advancing the Science and Surgery of EndometriosisMonday and Tuesday, April 18-19, 2016The Union Club, New York Hey, the next speaker who unfortunately will not be with us but I just want to…

Harry Reich - Should endometriosis surgery have its own credentialing?

Harry Reich - Should endometriosis surgery have its own credentialing?

Endofound’s Sixth Annual Medical Conference: Ending Endometriosis Starts at the Beginning Should endometriosis surgery have its own credentialing? Harry Reich, MD   I am very happy to see so many people still here. It is a beautiful…

Harry Reich MD - Medical Conference 2014

Harry Reich MD - Medical Conference 2014

Endometriosis Foundation of America 2014My history with endometriosis surgery: four decades of life in and outside of the operating room- Harry Reich It is a great pleasure to be here. I thank Padma and Tamer for starting this foundation. As…

Harry Reich, MD - Interview

Harry Reich, MD - Interview

Endometriosis Foundation of America 2013– Harry Reich, MD Tamer Seckin, MD: Hello everyone, I am Dr. Tamer Seckin. I am an endometriosis surgeon. My passion is to treat the disease endometriosis. As you may all know endometriosis is a…

Endometiriosis Q&A - CY Liu, MD - Harry Reich, MD - Juan Salgado-Morales, MD

Endometiriosis Q&A - CY Liu, MD - Harry Reich, MD - Juan Salgado-Morales, MD

Endometriosis Foundation of AmericaEndometriosis 2013 / Endometriosis Q&AC.Y. Liu, MD, Harry Reich, MD, Juan Salgado Morales, MD C.Y. Liu, MD: By looking at the picture, you know looking at Ted Lee's data does hysterectomy, play any role…

Challenges We Confront with Endometriosis Surgery - Harry Reich, MD

Challenges We Confront with Endometriosis Surgery - Harry Reich, MD

Endometriosis Foundation of AmericaEndometriosis 2013 / Challenges We Confront with Endometriosis Surgery- Harry Reich, MD This one introduces the concept of the American Perspective, which is what we are talking about today. I want to make…

Video Lectures & Presentations - Harry Reich

Video Lectures & Presentations - Harry Reich

Endometriosis Foundation of AmericaEndometriosis 2013 / Video Lectures & Presentations- Harry Reich, MD ...put on some traction...and then using a CO2 laser I went in ever increasing circles, around and around and around until the nodule…

Medical Conference 2012 - Harry Reich, MD

Medical Conference 2012 - Harry Reich, MD

Endometriosis Foundation of AmericaMedical Conference – 2012Deep Fibrotic Endometriosis of Cul de Sac and BowelHarry Reich, MDBefore I introduce Dr. Reich just a perspective from the over 50s set. I think to use the camera as a tool I…

Harry Reich, MD

Harry Reich, MD

Harry Reich, MD It is a privilege to be able to come here to speak to you about sex and endometriosis. It is great to be with some of my old friends, I see one in the front row over there. You can see they sneak around. Over there in the corner…