The Endometriosis Foundation of America hosted its first yoga fundraiser on Sunday, October 8th, 2017. Aptly titled, “Endo Warrior One,” the event was held at Reflections Yoga Studio in the Gramercy neighborhood of Manhattan. Patients, family members, and friends all came together for a wonderful afternoon of fitness, endo awareness, and community camaraderie. Dedicated Endofound Junior Board member and certified Vinyasa Yoga instructor Brandilee Coon lead the practice with poses that soften, relax, and open the pelvis. The flow was infused with strengthening warrior poses, including a version of Warrior 3 in which all the participants held hands to symbolize fighting the disease together. The event raised over $700 for Endofound initatives such as the ENPOWR Project, research grants, and patient advocacy. We look forward to hosting another Endo Warrior One event in the New Year! Check out more photos of our event through #EndoWarriorOne on social media.
Interested in hosting your own fundraiser for Endofound? Fill out this application to get started.