Award recognizes Brooklyn Latin’s commitment to students’ health education
The Endometriosis Foundation of America (Endofound) announced that The Brooklyn Latin School is the recipient of the second annual ENPOWR Award because of its high prioritization of their students' health through participation in Endofound's adolescent education program, The ENPOWR Project. The award was presented on April 17th during Endofound’s Awareness Day, which brought together patients, loved ones, educators, and healthcare professionals to discuss disease challenges in an open forum format. Highlights included patient and physician-led panels covering topics ranging from early diagnosis and intervention to sex and fertility to pain management. According to Endofound founder, Tamer Seckin, MD, “We are pleased to award to The Brooklyn Latin School the second annual ENPOWR Award. Their commitment to making sure that all their students understand the symptoms and health issues around endometriosis is an example for other schools. By helping students recognize signals from their own body, we can ensure early detection and treatment, which can make a tremendous difference in terms of a woman’s fertility, pain management, and disease progression. Killer cramps are not normal and we want every student in America to understand this and be able to get help.”
The ENPOWR™ (ENdometriosis: Promoting Outreach and Wide Recognition) Project is a school and community-based endometriosis education program, the only one of its kind in the United States. Having educated 14,000 adolescents throughout New York State, ENPOWR™ raises awareness and promotes treatment-seeking behavior through an interactive presentation. Sessions end with a call to action, where the audience is encouraged to “take the pledge,” and share the information they learned with their friends and families to help spread awareness.
With demand for endometriosis education growing, Endofound has recently developed and is now piloting, a new phase of implementation. Titled, the Endo EduKit, this public health program will deliver a highly replicable tool to the doorsteps of community volunteers and school staff, allowing adolescent endometriosis education to go nationwide.
On April 19th Endofound held its 8th annual Blossom Ball to celebrate the work being done in the endometriosis community. Endofound co-founder Padma Lakshmi honored Susan Sarandon and Lena Dunham for their advocacy work and ability to shed light on the disease. Theresa Davidson, Endofound’s Managing Director said, “Through their art and powerful voices, Susan Sarandon and Lena Dunham are champions for all women with endometriosis. Their ability to raise awareness for the disease will support ENPOWR’s campaign to reach adolescents from every corner of the United States, and to educate and empower them to take charge of their own health.”