EndoFound created the End Endo 5K as a way for endometriosis advocates from around the country to fundraise by getting moving, whether walking, running, hiking, biking, or even dancing. The fundraising event is a supportive and encouraging way for endometriosis patients and their friends and family to raise awareness about the disease and raise money to change the future of endometriosis.
Last weekend (June 5-6), our third End Endo 5K took place. From California to Maine, we had over 350 Team EndoFound members coming together to end endo across the map. Our participants ranged from patients to friends, family members, and partners. One team member, Charlotte Woska, who spoke at the 2021 Global Patient Conference on the adolescents and familial endometriosis panel, raised over $2,000 dollars. "After being dismissed by so many doctors,” Charlotte shares, “I know that helping to create awareness is essential for women everywhere."
Samantha By, who raised $4,600, agrees; she’s fundraising to improve the medical and scientific understanding of the disease and to normalize discussion about women’s health issues. You can read her powerful story about her long-overdue diagnosis and endometriosis journey on our column, Endo Stories.
Fundraisers have a critical impact on the future of endometriosis care. The End Endo 5K will help us adapt endometriosis education to online learning, fund cutting-edge research on endometriosis treatment and diagnosis, advocate for endometriosis education on the state and national level, and promote disease recognition in our broader communities.
Fundraisers are also critical to disease advocacy, especially for a condition like endometriosis—which is still not a household name. We want to change this. Everytime you share a fundraising platform, you’re getting the word out about the disease, which many still have never heard of. You never know who in your community has never heard of the disease, but knows of a loved one who is suffering and still undiagnosed.
If you missed the action, be sure to check out the hashtag #EndEndo5K on Instagram or watch this special video of Team EndoFound walking and running across the map. Their commitment and dedication has already made a difference.
At EndoFound, we’re working towards nationwide endometriosis education, advocacy, awareness, and funding research to find the cure endo patients need. Team EndoFound has already raised over $32,000 and they’re still hard at work fundraising until June 14th. You can donate to the team’s efforts here.
Together, we’re changing the future of endometriosis care.