From Washington to Florida and Minnesota to Texas, Team EndoFound walked, ran, hiked, and biked over 796 miles to End Endometriosis on November 1st, 2020. These dedicated individuals got moving in spite of rain and snow, COVID-19 restrictions, and endo flares and pain. Thank you to everyone who participated, who spread the word about the disease, and to every supporter across the country.
And they’re still fundraising! Help Team EndoFound reach their goal of $15,000 to make a difference in endometriosis treatment and care. If we reach our goal by November 16, an anonymous donor will match gifts dollar-for-dollar.
We launched the first End Endo 5K this past summer in lieu of the cancelled NYC marathon. Since then, we’ve had over 446 supporters, and are thrilled that every dollar Team EndoFound has raised will provide endometriosis education to online learning, fund cutting-edge research on endometriosis treatment and diagnosis, advocate for endometriosis education on the state and national level, and promote disease recognition in our broader communities.
Why are these individuals working towards Ending Endo? Jackie Fischer is fundraising so no one in the future has to wait like she did for a diagnosis that was delayed 7-10 years. “I want there to be more awareness and faster diagnosis,” Jackie says, “so that people can be treated immediately and with the proper care. There are so many health issues associated with endometriosis because it affects so many parts of the body and it’s a battle for many people just to get by day to day. The more people participate in these events, raise funds and awareness, the faster we can get proper treatment and help people live lives in less pain!” Lauren Manguso participated in the End Endo 5K because she never wants another woman to go through what she’s been through. “The more awareness and funding brought to researching this condition,” Lauren says, “the faster we can make diagnoses, provide treatment, and find a cure for endometriosis.” Check out the full photo gallery here!