Endofound Video Gallery > Medical Conference 2024

Ethical Responsibility and Artificial Intelligence - Frank Chervenak, MD
How relevant is John Sampson today? - John Yovich, MD
Elevating Sampson - Tamer Seckin, MD
Maximizing AI success for endometriosis scientific discovery and patient care - Stacey Missmer
Applying AI in Surgery -Paul J. Chung, MD FACS
In the footsteps of genius: Dr. John Sampson and the Genesis of Gynecology-Daniel Kredentser, MD
ENDOMETRIOSIS Intuition – AI –experience - EBM - Philippe Koninckx, MD
Opportunistic salpingectomy for tubal endometriosis - Francisco Carmona, MD
Impaired endometrial receptivity in uterine adenomyosis - Marie-Madeleine Dolmans, MD, PhD
Deep endometriosis and uterine adenomyosis: different phenotypes of the same disease - Jacques Donnez, MD
Laparoscopic Bowel Surgery - Harry Reich, MD
GnRH - Antagonists in the Treatment of Endometriosis - Does the brain work better? - Wolfgang Kupker, MD
Machine learning and analytics to predict the development (or worsening) of chronic pelvic pain - Kevin Hellman, PhD
Development of a statewide endometriosis system - Danielle Luciano, MD
Endometriosis World Discrepancies - Bruno van Herendael, MD
AI and organoids - Linda G Griffith, PhD
Retrograde menstruation: Environmental toxicants differentially affect endometriosis - Katherine Burns, PhD
AI and observational health data for early detection of endometriosis - Noémie Elhadad, PhD
The role of pathologic analysis in endometriosis - Ayse Ayhan, MD
Visual recognition of endometriosis using AI - Antoine Netter, MD
Adenomyosis & Fertility - Pinar Kodaman, MD, PhD
ART/IVF/infertility and endometriosis - Arielle Bayer, MD
Deconstructing human endometrium by single-cell biology and organoid models - Semir Beyaz, PhD
What I wish I had known last year - Dan Martin, MD
Peritoneal Endometriosis - Tamer Seckin, MD
The first centennium of the retrograde menstruation theory: Where do we stand now? - Sun-Wei Guo, Ph.D.
IVF success rates of donor cycles in patients with endometriosis - Paola Vigano, PhD
May the application of artificial intelligence in imaging diagnostics reduce the time to diagnosis? - Jorg Keckstein, MD
Would Sampson say we are ready for artificial intelligence and non-invasive testing? - Dan Martin, MD
Robotic management of endometriosis of sacral plexus - Horace Roman, MD
Noninvasive and early detection of endometriosis using a biological neural circuit-based novel gas sensor - Asgi Fazleabas PhD
Cryotherapy for Abdominal Wall Endometriosis - François Cornelis, MD
Bowel Endometriosis - Ted Lee, MD
Endometriosis: Not just a gynecologic Disease - Hugh Taylor, MD
Preventing Disease Progression: Excision vs Medical Therapy - Michael Nimaroff, MD
The analysis of menstrual effluent: emerging insights into endometriosis pathogenesis - Peter Gregersen, MD - Christine Metz, PhD
Mullerian anomalies and endometriosis: Where evolution, strategy, and precision meet. From Sampson to AI - Assia Stepanian, MD
Endo Belly, what is it? - Sylvia Mechsner, MD
Endometriosis and Adenomyosis Beyond the Sampson Principle - Serdar Bulun, MD