Our mission is to increase endometriosis awareness, fund landmark research, provide advocacy and support for patients, and educate the public and medical community.
Founders: Padma Lakshmi, Tamer Seckin, MD
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The Blossom

EndoFound's online magazine.

An Inside Look: Endometriosis Excision Surgery in the Operating Room

An Inside Look: Endometriosis Excision Surgery in the Operating Room

The operating room. A place not truly seen by those outside of the medical field. As a patient undergoing surgery, you’ll likely receive multiple, detailed explanations about the procedure you will…

AAGL Launches Historic Update to ICD10 Diagnosis Codes for Endometriosis

AAGL Launches Historic Update to ICD10 Diagnosis Codes for Endometriosis

Historic news for the endometriosis community: AAGL has just announced a critical update to the International Classification of Disease (ICD) diagnosis codes for endometriosis, codes that had not been…

EndoFound Works with New Jersey Legislator to Prioritize Endometriosis & Menstrual Health

EndoFound Works with New Jersey Legislator to Prioritize Endometriosis & Menstrual Health

Assemblywomen Shanique Speight Introduces 11 Bills Supporting Menstrual Education Including Endometriosis.

Conversations about Endo: How Hulu’s New Series Almost Gets Endometriosis Right

Conversations about Endo: How Hulu’s New Series Almost Gets Endometriosis Right

When representing a disease that is so misunderstood by both medical professionals and the public, it is imperative that artists are accurate in the information they provide their audience.

Managing Endometriosis in College? Here's a Much-Needed Guide

Managing Endometriosis in College? Here's a Much-Needed Guide

For college students already learning a new lifestyle, adding the challenge of adapting to life with a chronic illness is not only extremely difficult, but also isolating.

Laying the Groundwork in Congress: EndoFound's Virtual UpEndo Congressional Briefing & Hill Day

Laying the Groundwork in Congress: EndoFound's Virtual UpEndo Congressional Briefing & Hill Day

EndoFound's advocacy team is committed to speaking up about the policy needs of the endometriosis community and these meetings are critical in helping to secure federal funding for endometriosis research…

What is Perimenopause & How Has it Been Linked to Endometriosis?

What is Perimenopause & How Has it Been Linked to Endometriosis?

A new study has concluded that there’s a “statistically significant association” between laparoscopically-confirmed endometriosis and early natural menopause.

 Write to Your Rep to Support Critical Endometriosis Research & Funding!

Write to Your Rep to Support Critical Endometriosis Research & Funding!

This is a critical time for the endometriosis patient and advocate community to reach out to your US House Members and urge them to support the Congressional Endometriosis Caucuses’ effort.

Can Endometriosis Increase Your Risk for Miscarriage?

Can Endometriosis Increase Your Risk for Miscarriage?

Because endometriosis does affect the reproductive system, you may have questions and concerns when it comes to pregnancy and whether or not you’re at a higher risk for miscarriage.

Endometriosis in African Women: The Reasons Behind Unreported Cases & Lack of Access to Care

Endometriosis in African Women: The Reasons Behind Unreported Cases & Lack of Access to Care

When it comes to women’s health, the experiences of African women are usually grossly underreported.

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