Our mission is to increase endometriosis awareness, fund landmark research, provide advocacy and support for patients, and educate the public and medical community.
Founders: Padma Lakshmi, Tamer Seckin, MD
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The Blossom

EndoFound's online magazine.

Endometriosis Pain: Recent Research & Finding Relief

Endometriosis Pain: Recent Research & Finding Relief

The exact connection between endometriosis and pain is still not well understood. Pain levels are also difficult to compare in different people.

What You Need to Know About Adenomyosis

What You Need to Know About Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis is a common, painful condition where cells from the inner lining of the uterus (the endometrium) infiltrate the muscular layer of the uterus (the myometrium). The endometrial cells thicken…

The Importance of Advocating for Yourself with Endometriosis: An Interview with Olivia Culpo

The Importance of Advocating for Yourself with Endometriosis: An Interview with Olivia Culpo

Olivia Culpo is a model, an actress, and a businesswoman who (pre-pandemic) is usually found jetting off to a new location to tackle her latest project. She’s also an ambassador for the Endometriosis…

Love Letter to the Undiagnosed

Love Letter to the Undiagnosed

A Love Letter to the Undiagnosed Endometriosis Patients

Why These Endometriosis Patients Won’t Stop Spreading Awareness

Why These Endometriosis Patients Won’t Stop Spreading Awareness

It’s estimated that 200 million women worldwide suffer from endometriosis. March marks Endometriosis Awareness Month and a time to bust the myths, misconceptions, and stigma attached to the condition.…

Connecting Patients with Science: Highlights from the 2021 International Patient Conference

Connecting Patients with Science: Highlights from the 2021 International Patient Conference

The Endometriosis Foundation of America's International Patient Conference was an incredible opportunity to connect patients and providers around the world. Because of this year's virtual setting, the…

Managing 'Endo Belly' (Severe Bloating)

Managing 'Endo Belly' (Severe Bloating)

Severe bloating, also known as “endo belly,” is one of the many difficult symptoms we, as endometriosis survivors, need to deal with.

A Path Towards a Cure: EndoFound's Virtual International Patient Conference

A Path Towards a Cure: EndoFound's Virtual International Patient Conference

The Endometriosis Foundation of America invites the world to learn more about endometriosis by joining its International Patient Conference 2021, The Path Towards A Cure: Connecting Patients with Science.…

The Importance of Mental Health Support While Managing Endometriosis

The Importance of Mental Health Support While Managing Endometriosis

When you have to explain your symptoms to your doctor repeatedly or cancel events because you’re having a bad pain day, it can feel like endometriosis is taking over who you are and changing your perception…

Six Effective Ways to Be Your Own Endo Advocate

Six Effective Ways to Be Your Own Endo Advocate

When I was diagnosed with endometriosis more than a decade ago, I learned firsthand about the power of advocating for yourself. My mom has the disease too, so when I started complaining of those tell-tale…

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