EndoFound’s Virtual Patient Conference Begins!
Endometriosis can make us feel alone, like no one can understand our pain or empathize with what we go through. The Patient Conference is the tonic for those feelings of isolation. In a year marked by…
EndoFound's online magazine.
Endometriosis can make us feel alone, like no one can understand our pain or empathize with what we go through. The Patient Conference is the tonic for those feelings of isolation. In a year marked by…
By framing the changes as a choice to be made by the patient—one that will not cure the disease but may improve symptoms—they can help support those already struggling with the diet mentality.
Endosalpingiosis can be a painful reproductive condition. It is similar to endometriosis, but instead of endometrial-like tissue as occurs in endometriosis, tissue from the fallopian tubes is found outside…
When Dr. Dan Martin was 10 years old, his grandmother made him learn needlepoint. It wasn’t something many boys did in 1956, but she believed that the concentration and hand-to-eye coordination the…
Falzone, now a journalist for several publications, including Vanity Fair and The Daily Beast, has been named EndoFound’s director of media relations and advocacy. She will relinquish her role as an…
Featuring videos from patients and doctors, as well as a patient resources sheet of questions to ask your doctor(s), this resource portal is an ongoing project for people of color who are experiencing…
Stacey Bruss has been competing in beauty pageants since she was eight years old. While she used to enter them purely for fun, she competes today with a mission: to bring awareness to and eventually find…
Every patient is different and therefore every patient finds comfort through their own means.
A new series of endo stories: creative nonfiction by endometriosis patients. Creative nonfiction uses literary styles and techniques to tell a personal story that is rooted in fact and reality. Kelly…
Last weekend marked the first ever End Endo 5K and we are overwhelmed by our community’s generosity and support.