Our mission is to increase endometriosis awareness, fund landmark research, provide advocacy and support for patients, and educate the public and medical community.
Founders: Padma Lakshmi, Tamer Seckin, MD
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Tamer Seckin MD - Blossom Ball 2014

Tamer Seckin MD - Blossom Ball 2014

Endometriosis Foundation of America 2014
Sixth Annual Blossom Ball – Tamer Seckin, MD

Welcome everyone! Thank you Mady after all those things I do not have much to say. She stole my lines. Of course I am going to thank a lot. This is not me, this is the people I trusted in first and most of all the patients, and my colleagues, and the people I love who return their love to me. I would like to recognize some important people in my life in the room; my wife, Elif Seckin, over there, my children Serin, Meena and Timor, somewhere there, with their boyfriends; and of course, Victor Gomel who has been always very close to me, the poetic genius, the professor from Vancouver. He is the father of microsurgery both he and Harry. We admire him tremendously. Thank you Victor for your support – Victor.

Tonight is special for us because we have initiated for the first time an award on behalf of Dr. Harry Reich. Two extraordinary ladies will be given this award. These are two gynecologists, tow PhDs, both researchers, both surgeons, it is all about women. This disease is about women. There is no disease like endometriosis. It is not like cancer, it is different. And there is no foundation like our foundation, we really mean for the quality of life for women.

Let me introduce you to the first recipient of the Harry Reich Award. But Harry, for those, and on the record, let me repeat, he is probably one of the most important pioneer laparoscopic surgeons of our time that general surgeons even started and encouraged from his techniques. Harry did a lot of things first. First laparoscopic hysterectomy in the world, first lymph node dissection and lymphadenectomies, deep endometriosis surgery – Harry was there. He is probably one of the most celebrated surgeons that has done surgery throughout the world and we do adore him for his techniques that he taught us. That is why we can do things – Harry. 

The first Madame Doctor Professor I would like to introduce to you is Linda Giudice. She is a true scientist. I met her personally today even though I have met her before but for the first time I personally interacted with her. She is genuinely a true and beautiful, wonderful person. I do not have to go through her academic career but she will probably say a couple of words. I want to invite her to the podium, Linda Giudice, Professor of Obstetric/Gynecology from the University of California in San Francisco. Linda, your overall work with endometriosis deserves you to be recognized at the spot, thank you, historically. Good luck, thank you. I want to hand this to you. This is only – watch this – Inaugural Harry Reich Award for pioneering work in the science and treatment of endometriosis, Linda Giudice, thank you.

Linda Giudice. MD, PhD:  Well, I would like to thank Dr. Seckin and also the Endometriosis Foundation of America for this inaugural award whose name is in honor of Dr. Harry Reich who is an icon in our field.

I take care of women who have endometriosis and I know what that is about. I also have spent the last 25 years doing research in endometriosis. We know what pain is there and there is a tremendous opportunity in this new age of science and reproductive medicine to really make a difference. I think the EFA should really be recognized for its tremendous advocacy on the part of women who have endometriosis and their families. I would like to thank you so much for this award.

Tamer Seckin, MD:  The second recipient is a true icon from Kiel, Germany. She is the right hand of the father of laparoscopy, the technique that we use for endoscopy, Kurt Semm, colleague and associate. She is an Olympic champion. She is a true lady of adventure and spent her youth in Peru and survived in Germany among male lions of surgeons and made her name, that is Lilo Mettler. Thank you Lilo. The Endometriosis Foundation of America Inaugural Harry Reich Award for your contribution to the science and treatment of endometriosis, Liselotte Mettler. Thank you so much.

Liselotte Mettler, MD, Phd:  It is my pleasure to receive as the first foreign doctor this prestigious award of my dear friend, Harry Reich.

The German poet Goethe said, “Aber wenn Du dieses nicht hast diese Stil und Verde bist Du nur ein stiller Gast des schönen Erde”. “But if you do not have this continuous living and dying you are only a silent host on our beautiful earth.

Endometriosis is a disease that shows us that our patients need care. They need understanding, they need love and they need continuous dedication to them. That is why I think really these words are so typical, you have a good and you have a bad phase in your life. But life continues you should never give up. That is something that I also learned as Tamer was initiated from my teacher Kurt Semm. We should not give up. Laparoscopy at one time was not accepted. Now it is very much accepted and we are so happy to be part of it.

It is my great pleasure to receive this award and I hope that I can continue to give to our patients with pain, with infertility, with problems the love and dedication they need to understand and to cure their disease. Thank you so much.