Our mission is to increase endometriosis awareness, fund landmark research, provide advocacy and support for patients, and educate the public and medical community.
Founders: Padma Lakshmi, Tamer Seckin, MD
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Team EndoStrong Preparing for TCS NYC Marathon in November, Sets Goal to Raise Record $250,000

EndoFound’s Team EndoStrong set a goal of raising $200,000 in last year’s TCS New York City Marathon. They raised $240,000. 

“And I want to blow that number out of the water this year,” said Clare Murphy, in her second year as the team’s organizer. “We aim to raise $250,000, but I hope we surpass that significantly.” 

The race will be on Sunday, November 3. This is EndoFound’s tenth year as a charity partner with the marathon and the second year in a row classified as a bronze-level foundation by New York Road Runners. Team EndoStrong’s popularity has grown to the extent that, more than five months before the race, every one of the 50 running slots allotted to the team by NYRR has been filled. A few more slots may be added this summer. 

“We want to improve our presence at the marathon every year, and the only way we can do that is to be united as a team and be proud to support the cause we’re running for,” Murphy said. “I can say without a doubt that all of our team members are passionate about women’s health and, specifically, endometriosis.” 

Last year’s race attracted 51,933 participants, making it the largest marathon in the world, according to Runner’s World. Runners can compete based on qualifying times from the previous year, through a lottery system held in the spring, or as a member of a charity partner. 

Team EndoStrong members generally come from several U.S. states and European countries. Each runner is expected to raise $5,000. All money will go toward EndoFound’s many initiatives, including the ENPOWR program for youth-centered menstrual education and grant awards for endometriosis research. 

Though most Team EndoStrong runners will not meet each other until race day, Murphy will connect them in the next couple of weeks by text, where they will share their training regimens and encourage each other for the next five months. 

“I want to cultivate great team camaraderie,” Murphy said. “Building a team of motivated individuals and supporting every step they take leading up to marathon Sunday is the key.” 

As in past years, several of this year’s runners have endometriosis and will be fighting through symptoms to train. Others are friends or family members of those with the disease who want to do all they can to bring awareness to it. Stories on several runners will be featured here on EndoFound’s website in the coming months, along with biographies of all runners and how to donate to them. 

EndoFound will also set up a tent on the route again this year, at a location to be determined, for supporters to cheer and for anyone to obtain information about EndoFound and endometriosis. 

“I want people to leave the New York City Marathon knowing who we are,” Murphy said. “I want them to run other races for endometriosis, whether it’s another marathon or their local 5K. I think bringing together two passions—in this case, running and endometriosis—is the perfect formula for success.” 

To learn more about Team EndoFound, visit www.endofound.org/tcs-nyc-marathon-2024.