The Endometriosis Foundation of America’s Medical Conference is in its 11th year and has always been a critical time for expert endometriosis surgeons, researchers, clinicians, and patients to come together to improve endometriosis care across the globe. This year, we’re thrilled to bring you experts from around the world to discuss the pressing question: Why can endometriosis return post-surgery? Endometriosis surgeons, researchers, and clinicians from around the world have put their heads together to discuss this critical topic in endometriosis care in order to educate patients and doctors alike.
The Medical Conference is free and presentations by endometriosis specialists from around the world are now available to view. Dr. Dan Martin, for example, presents on research and clinical changes that have occurred in endometriosis recognition and treatment, including a discussion of three of the more than 20 anatomic areas where endometriosis is likely to be missed. Dr. Martin also offers suggestions on how to better recognize endometriosis in the bowel and how to avoid incomplete treatment. Dr. Marc Possover explores neuropathy’s role in reoperative endometriosis, Dr. Tomer Singer details egg freezing for endometriosis patients, and Dr. Pinar Kodaman shared tailored IVF protocols for endometriosis patients—among many more.
There are still so many questions surrounding disease recurrence and the need for additional surgeries. Bringing together the leading scientific minds to discuss the latest science surrounding the disease leads to more answers.
Don’t miss two live Q&As with the distinguished faculty on January 16 & 17, 2021, 11AM (EST). If you haven’t registered yet, please visit this link to access the conference videos.
Dr. Tamer Seckin - Why Reoperative Endometriosis?
Dr. Frank Chervenak - Special Welcome
Dr. Harry Reich - "In my life, I've seen them all"
Dr. Marc Possover - Exploring the Role of Neuropathy in Re-Operative Endometriosis
Dr. Arnaud Wattiez - Excision Without Mutilation: It’s Possible!
Dr. Philippe Koninckx - Pathophysiology of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis for the Clinician
Dr. Jon Einarsson - Fixing Holes: Prevention and Treatment of Complications
Dr. Ie-Ming Shih - Peritoneal Endometriosis and Adenomyosis are Molecularly Related to Eutopic Endometrium?
Dr. Tomer Singer - Egg Freezing for Endometriosis Patients: Should She Rush?
Dr. Togas Tulandi - Further Evidence of the Relationship Between Endometriosis and Adnexal Cancer
Dr. Guenter Noe - Urological Challenges in Endometriosis Surgery
Dr. Ted Lee - Diagnosis and Surgical Management of Rectus Muscle and Inguinal Endometriosis
Dr. Shaheen Khazali - Operation Techniques in Deep Endometriosis
Dr. Dan Martin - Persistent Endometriosis, Recurrent Endometriosis, or Other Pain
Dr. Lisolette Mettler - Limits of Endometrioma Surgery in Infertility Patients
Dr. Errico Zupi - (1) Endometriosis: Less is Better. How to Improve the Integration between Surgical and Medical Therapy; (2) Insoluble Dilemma of Adenomyosis: Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment
Dr. Jovana Lekovich - Fertility Preservation for Patients with Endo & Adenomyosis
Dr. Farr Nezhat - Role of Prophylactic Oophorectomy in Endometriosis Patients with Ovarian Cancer History in the Family
Dr. Pinar Kodaman - Tailored IVF Protocols for Endometriosis Patients
Dr. Taner Usta - Exploring Pelvic Pain: Deep to Ischial Spine Including Pre-Sacral Roots
Dr. Ayse Ayhan - Genetic and Pathologic Aspects of Malignant Transformation of Endometriosis: Endometriosis-Related Ovarian Cancers
And please save the date for our March 20-21, 2021 Live Global Virtual Medical Conference!