Academic Center for Research On Adenomyosis and Endometriosis, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, Università Degli Studi Di Milano
Milan, Italy
Nezhat Medical Center, Atlanta Center for Special Minimally Invasive Surgery and Reproductive Medicine,
Atlanta Center for Special Minimally Invasive Surgery & Reproductive Medicine- Fellowship Director
Atlanta, GA
Hamamatsu, Japan
New York, NY
Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Bucharest, Romania
Evanston, IL
Cincinnati, OH
Clermont-Ferrand, France
New York, NY
New York, NY
East Lansing, MI
Avellino, Italy
Boston, MI
Shanghai, China
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Leuven, Belgium
Baden-Baden, Germany
New York, NY
Farmington, CT
Avellino, Italy
Memphis, TN
Berlin, Germany
Grand Rapids, MI
New York, NY
Palo Alto, CA
Sao Paolo, Brazil
Dallas, PA
Bordeaux, France
San Juan, Puerto Rico
New York, NY
New York, NY
Negrar di Valpolicella, Italy
Oakland, CA
New Haven, CT
New York, NY
Munich, Germany
Oxford, England